速報APP / 工具 / Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche

Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche



檔案大小:30.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche(圖1)-速報App

NOTE: This application access is restricted to Les Fanfans Nursery students and parents.

Key Features:


* Keeping you up to date on Les Fanfans Nursery announcements.

**About Les Fanfans Nursery**



At Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche, we believe providing a warm and friendly environment encourages each child to achieve their full potential at his her own pace. As early education center our duty is to provide to their greatest potential. Children deserve to received all the support and respect it takes to establish a strong foundation for their future. We do all of this in a safe and nurturing environment that is both fun and exciting for children.

Making learning fun and exciting is just one of the ways we're able to develop each child's potential. The other is to focus on the six key educational platforms for children:

1. Personal, Social and Emotional development.

2. Communication, Language and Literacy.

3. Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy.

4. Knowledge and understanding of the world.

5. Creative development.

Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche(圖2)-速報App

6. Physical development.



Les Fanfans Nursery staff strives to provide the highest quality childcare and educational service that promotes and enhances each child's development; while assuring parents' peace of mind in the care and service we render.



Les Fanfans Nursery provides a safe, nurturing and developmentally appropriate program which fosters active learning, support for the whole child in a child friendly environment. Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche's founders have spent more than 9 years developing successful educational programs. From that vast experience, Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche has developed these primary educational objectives for its children's:


Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche provide an environment complementary to the one at home; our children are presented and taught sharing, manners, etiquette and responsibility. In order to lay a foundation for them to become respectful and mannered young adults, where the child through games and activities discover, explore, experiment his creative potential and relationships through life and in a community.


Children will graduate from Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche with exceptional academic skills that will provide them with a solid foundation for all future life endeavors. The goals we have set for children at Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche have been formed with respect for the individual child and are tailored for each age group. The objectives were set with both the knowledge of the typical development cycle of a child and through an awareness of differences in patterns of growth, personality and learning style.

We know that each child develops at their own pace, so our curriculum was designed to provide experiences for children that promote general academic competency and mastery of developmental task no matter what learning stage they're in.


At Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche, children engage in a variety of controlled and safe activities that encourage them to be active. Healthy fresh food choices are provided daily.

Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche(圖3)-速報App


Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche staff understands the importance of creating a warm, safe and nurturing environment for your child's comfort. Through dedicated encouragement and support, Les Fanfans Nursery & Crèche helps to build confidence in your child at an early age that will set them on a path of future achievement.
